Intersegmental Traction Therapy - Roller Table

What is Intersegmental Traction Therapy?

Intersegmental Traction Therapy or “The Roller Table” is the initial passive treatment modality we use for almost all of our patients regardless of complaint. Intersegmental Traction Therapy improves blood flow to the spine, and surrounding structures of the spine, improves joint and intervertebral disc health, improves range of motion, improves muscular and neurological efficiency, and decreases pain in the spine and surrounding structures.

How Does Intersegmental Traction Therapy Work?

Intersegmental Traction Therapy

Intersegmental Traction Therapy works by using multiple rolling pins inside the table that gently work their way up and down your spine, with varying pressure. These rolling pins induce a brief moment of traction or stretching between spinal segments, followed by a brief moment of compression between segments. This causes a pumping motion at each segment in your spine, from your occiput (head) all the way to your pelvis. This pumping motion is the key to intersegmental traction therapy, especially for intervertebral discs. Because the intervertebral discs are poorly vascularized (low amount of blood flow), they require this pumping motion to bring in nutrients for healing, and remove waste products causing inflammation in the area. That is why intersegmental traction therapy is the gold-standard therapy for intervertebral disc health. This pumping motion not only affects the intervertebral disc, it also brings blood flow to the more vascularized spinal structures, and surrounding structures such as muscles, tendons and ligaments. Because of these incredible benefits, intersegmental traction therapy is the perfect warm up for the rest of your treatment at Evolve Chiropractic.

Is Intersegmental Traction Therapy Painful?

Intersegmental Traction Treatment

Definitely not! In fact, many of the patients at Evolve Chiropractic have to resist napping while on the roller table. It is one of the most relaxing therapies we offer at Evolve Chiropractic.

How Long Do I Need To Be On Intersegmental Traction To Get The Benefits?

This is not a one-size-fits-all answer, and depends on your condition and tolerance to treatment, however many patients experience the benefits within the first three (3) minutes of care, and we try to allow a minimum of ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes of intersegmental traction therapy at each visit, depending on time constraints for your visit.

Wow! That Sounds Relaxing - How Can I Experience Intersegmental Traction Therapy at Evolve Chiropractic?

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